20 best way to remove blackheads homemade

20 best way to get rid of both warheads and home pimples and at the lowest cost .... So as not to distort the beauty of your face : -
  • Put toothpaste on the blister before going to sleep , helps to relieve bloating, do not use the gel .
  • Wash your face twice a day with warm salt water , to get rid of oily skin and keep the skin free of pimples .
  • Put strawberry leaves on the acne to reduce swelling and redness to restore facial beauty.
  • Mix lemon with a little rose water , put the mixture on the face for half an hour. Wash your face with warm water . The program lasts for 15 days , it gives luster to the beauty of the face .
  • Wipe the skin using internal lemon peel white pre - washed with water.
  • Wash your face with fresh mint juice every night to get rid of pimples , acne , eczema , scabies and a lot of skin problems.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • For chronic skin problems , you must garlic mashed hippocampus and licked his face to get rid of these problems that distort facial beauty.
  • Grind orange peel with some water and put them on your face. They are one of the best home remedies for facial beauty.
  • Cleanse your face with cotton moistened with rose water .
  • Mix one teaspoon of lemon and one teaspoon ground cinnamon and put them on the affected area , they give you the softness and luster to the skin .
  • Use aloe juice twice a day, aloe Cactuses helps heal wounds and scars left by acne.
  • Put ice on the swollen pimples large and will be gone with the morning
  • Eat vitamin supplements ( B - 5 ) and zinc to increase the resistance of the skin , acne, increased facial beauty and clarity and purity of the skin .
  • Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and put it on the face for 30 minutes , it gives a clear face and lends luster him .
  • Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl and then my little on your hands and rub the affected area or a small wet towel in the solution and put them on your face for 15 minutes .
  • The option is mashed and Make toothpaste him , put it on your face and leave for half an hour. Renew the skin and purifies the face.
  • Mix corn flour with egg whites and let him on your face for half an hour . Massage your face and will be very smooth with regularity this job become a catcher at the top and splendor of facial beauty.
  • Mix some nutmeg powder with milk and put it on the affected area , and pimples disappear magic without the effects .
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon cinnamon and put them on the affected area before going to sleep , then wash in the morning, pimples will disappear completely after two weeks .

Mask to remove the tan and tight neck because it increases facial beauty

To remove the mask tanning and beauty of your neck because it is an important part of the beauty of the face: -
Ingredients: -
  • Natural honey spoon
  • Egg whites
  • 8 points of olive oil
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice

Method: -
- Mix ingredients well and then placed on the neck for half an hour.
- And then wash your neck warm water and then dried soft towel.
- And paint the neck after with soft movements moisturizer cream.
- Used twice a week and the results show the first time.

Peeling mask and facial beauty and activate two-step

Peeling skin for facial beauty ..............
Activate the skin for facial beauty .................
Soften the skin for facial beauty .................
Clarity of the skin for facial beauty ................
All in a simple easy way ...................
Two small steps within minutes ............

Peeling mask and facial beauty and activate it in two steps within minutes : -
The first step : -
- Crusty fresh piece of peach and put them in a saucepan , then add 3 beads of strawberries and try to crush the piece with a fork you get a homogeneous mixture .
- Take a small amount of mix ( and leave the rest to the second ste )
Rub your face and neck for two minutes .
This recipe will enjoy the skin and save you from dead cells , and allows the skin to absorb more moisture and enhance their brightness and sunshine facial skin.

The second step : -
Add to the mix Previous : -
  • Small tablespoons of honey acacia (acacia).
  • Small tablespoons of grape seed oil .
  • Small tablespoons of fresh milk.
(Or half a teaspoon of milk powder ) .

Method: -
  • Mix ingredients and mix Grease on your face and neck and Turkey for 15 minutes with relaxation and comfort even be absorbed by the skin .
  • Remove the mix with warm water and then wash your face with cold water to close the pores and dried soft towel and Put cream moisturizer.
  • Your skin will look like after this mask a more youthful , healthier and brighter.

Note: -
- The mask was fluidly add a little whole wheat flour .
- This mask is used for normal and dry skin .
- But if you have oily skin , you can replace the milk tablespoons of yogurt .

Fruit mask for normal and dry skin splendor for facial beauty

This mask is fit for dry skinned women, as well as regular facial beauty
Ingredients: -
- Half a grain of fresh avocado without peel.
- Tbsp fresh tomatoes.
- A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Method: -
You should clean your face and neck to get rid of impurities and dirt and open pores.
- Mix the avocado with tomatoes and lemon juice to become a good mixture.
- Everyday mixture on the face and neck well and smooth movements.
- Relax for 20 minutes until the skin absorbs the mask and dry.
- And then wash your face with water and dried soft towel.

Tips to make your skin responds with the mask and interact with

My Fair Lady before you put the mask on your face , you must follow some tips that will make your skin responds with the mask and interact with him : -

First: - your skin should be cleaned and then peel using sheller that you like , and you can not use a humidifier blending that you like with sugar and facial peeling , or use sugar with olive oil or lemon for facial beauty.

Second: - After peeling , wetting the towel with hot water and put them on your face for a few minutes , it will open the pores of the skin and makes it more receptive to the mask, you can use the device to your face instead of steam from the towel .

Third : - Before use , you must remove make-up of your face , if any, and very clean to remove dirt and dust so as not to constitute an insulator prevents the arrival of ingredients to the skin and thus prevents absorbed by the skin cells .

And offers you some beauty experts masks suitable for each skin and facial beauty : -
Dry skin : -
- Are mashed a half avocado pill with a spoonful of honey Mix the mixture well.
- And put it on your face and relax for 20 minutes.
- And then remove the mask with rose water and repeat the process twice a week.

Sensitive skin : -
- Mix equal amounts of carrot juice and cucumber juice .
- Put the mask for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water .

Oily skin : -
- Mix the amount of lemon juice with one teaspoon honey and chamomile water .
- And then leave on the skin for 15 minutes.

Mask for your skin tired onerous than facial beauty

After a long and arduous day your skin needs more care and attention to get rid of dirt and impurities that affect the beauty and freshness and facial beauty
The avocado mask of the best of these means and the way it works is as follows : -

Avocado and yogurt for your skin tired cumbersome give serenity and beauty of the face :...................................
Components of the mask : -
  • 2 tbsp mashed avocado
  • Teaspoon lemon juice
  • Spoon yogurt
  • A spoonful of honey white

Preparation and use: -
  • Mix the mashed avocado with a tablespoon of honey white well
  • Add one teaspoon lemon juice and a tablespoon yogurt .
  • Mix all ingredients and nationalist save the ingredients in the refrigerator half an hour.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and lie down on your back for ten minutes .
  • Wash your face with cold water and Feel the difference in the beauty of the face .

Recipe for tired skin of make-up and facial beauty

Recipe for tired skin of make-up and this recipe is easy and simple and purposes are all present in the house Here are the details ...

Recipe for cumbersome tired skin of make-up and facial beauty: -
Ingredients: -
  •  A small amount of coffee.
  • A small amount of starch.

Method: -
  • Mix the milk with starch to feel that they are coherent
  • Then placed on the skin of the face and neck for half an hour only to notice that it dried up.
  • Then wash your face with lukewarm water after the dry mixture to the skin.
  • And you'll notice that your skin later became tight and notice facial beauty and clarity of the skin.

Recipes for oily skin, which widened pores and facial beauty

Recipes for oily skin hydration, which widened pores and facial beauty..............................

1 - Recipe for oily skin, which widened pores: -
- Half a cup of rose leaf teas.
- One teaspoon of rose water.
Mix ingredients together and put the skin every day.

2 - Description of oily skin, which widened pores: -
- Egg whites.
- Sour juice.
- A tablespoon of warm water.
 Mix together and put on the face and still after 20 minutes with warm water.

3 - Recipe for oily skin, which widened pores also: -
- The amount of yeast.
- Rosewater.
Mix yeast with rose water and wash after 15 minutes with warm water several times.

Get rid of the oily secretions , sunburn and large pores and the effects of fatigue with a single step with tomato mask

Oily skinned women suffer from repeated discharges and which prevent them from enjoying steady makeup or get bright skin , because oily secretions give abounded glossy appearance to increase grain and pimples on the skin surface .
The tomato is a remedy for this problem which can be used to reduce the severity of fatty secretions or get rid of sunburn and the effects of fatigue.
We all know that tomatoes are the best reliable to narrow pores of the face so as to effect the clutch for the skin and facial beauty ...
So one mask Pour off the unit and fatty secretions sunburn and the effects of fatigue and large pores with a single step within minutes.

Tomato mask for oily skin and large pores stenosis and facial beauty 
Mask components : -
- Tomato .
- Peel of half a lemon tart.
- A few drops of lemon juice.

How to use: -
- Mash the tomatoes and add the bean to humans lemon peel and juice .
- The mask is placed on the skin for a quarter of an hour .
- And then wash with warm water and a soft towel dried .

Mask ... To narrow pores of the broad face and facial beauty

Mask the terrible starch to treat large pores and facial beauty ...
Mask is used for the treatment of starch grains face and large pores and sunburn in addition to being good for the skin cleaner and gives you more of the beauty of the face .

Starch mask wide to narrow pores and facial beauty and splendor : -
Mask components : -
- Tbsp starch .
- A little warm water.
- A little olive oil .

How to use : -
1 - paint the skin with olive oil first .
2 - starch and then mixed with warm water.
3 - and then placed on the skin for 20 minutes.
4 - and then wash the face with warm water and then cold .
5 - Then Dries soft towel in a smooth way .

You can do this mask once a week and you'll notice the wonderful result in facial beauty.

Tonic natural to hide pores of the skin without makeup hides

Tonic natural to hide pores of the skin without the need for makeup hides
To increase the facial beauty , elegance and smoothness and clarity of skin .........

A simple and easy way to make tonic for the skin of apple mint and vinegar works to minimize the pores of the skin and cleaned without the need for makeup hides it .

1 - Soak two tablespoons of small leaves
Mint powder in four teaspoons apple cider vinegar in a glass cup and leave soaked for one week.
2 - descriptive soaked and add 285 ml of water and keep toner in a closed bottle .
3 - then is then moistening toner textured cotton swabs and wipe your face before make-up ten minutes.

Honey and henna mask to remove the black spots and facial beauty

Honey and henna mask to remove the black spots, serenity and beauty of the face: -
Mask amounts: -
  • 3 tbsp of natural honey.
  • 1 tablespoon of henna powder.

Mask method: -
  •  Add three tablespoons of natural bee honey to a tablespoon of henna powder.
  • The ingredients are mixed well with some even merge Ingredients with each other.
  • Then put the mixture on the face for half an hour.
  • Then wash the skin with warm water and then cold water.
  • The action is repeated this mix on a daily basis until they disappear completely black spots and increases facial beauty.

A simple easy way spending on black and brown spots

Simple mask to eliminate brown spots and black and facial beauty
* Recipe: -
  • 3 tablespoons ground almonds.
  • 3 tablespoons almond oil.
  • 2 tablespoons honey.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon.

* Method: -
  • Mix ingredients well with each other.
  • Then placed on the skin and distributed all over the face.
  • And hand scrub to remove dead cells from the skin for a period of ten minutes.
  • Then wash with warm water and put moisturizing cream.

Do you suffer from the abundance of black freckles and pimples . Here's the solution

Suffer from the abundance of black freckles and pimples ... Here's the solution with hazelnut mask to clear skin and facial beauty in the grandest .......

Do you have abounded spread of black freckles and pimples on your skin ?
Are you looking for a quick and easy ways to remove them ?
We offer you this mask , which helps to purify pores and remove blackheads and prevents the appearance of freckles , pimples and restores balance to your skin again ..

Nut mask to remove freckles and pimples and black facial beauty 
* Ingredients : -
  • 2 teaspoon Hazel .
  • 2 tablespoons rosemary.
  • 2 tablespoons honey .
  • 1 tablespoon rose water .

* Method: -
  • Grinding nuts and mixed with honey and rosemary and rosewater .
  • And placed on the skin and leave for half an hour.
  • And clean water and dry with light movements .

Note: - peeled using this twice a month because of its benefits in increasing facial beauty ....

Know the elements that you need your skin for facial beauty and Where

Natural preserve your youth and beauty of the face ...
Contains a lot of fruit and vegetables on the essential vitamins and elements that maintain the beauty of your skin rejuvenated and facial beauty and elegance ....

Learn about the most important elements that you need and where can be found and keep the beauty of your face and nature .....................

Natural elements that have an impact on the beauty of the face : -
1 - carotene or Al Provitamin of the (A) fighting the signs of aging and helps the skin to retain their health and youth.
2 - Vitamin C of antioxidants that keep the skin freshness and help them to get rid of the signs of fatigue .
3 - Group B vitamins work to stimulate the building of new skin cells and the beauty of the face and thus help tissues and cells to renew themselves .
4 - Magnesium items that are struggling tension while working calcium , Al Selenium , as anti - oxidant .
5 - It helps in the production of collagen silicon while stating iron and zinc skin and muscle cells and so reduces the appearance of wrinkles and increases the beauty of the face .

Where do you find these vitamins and minerals : -
  • Tomatoes contain vitamin C and pro-vitamin A and group B vitamins as well as potassium , magnesium, iron, zinc, necessary for facial beauty and smoothness .
  • Carrots contain pro-vitamin A , potassium, calcium , magnesium and iron to save the luster of the skin .
  • Needless option and a little water with vitamins it contains potassium , phosphorus , magnesium and zinc.
  • Pepper is rich in vitamin (C ) and (d ) and Al Provitamin ( b) as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium , phosphorus and iron.
  • Olive rich in vitamins ( a) and ( d) and fatty acids that help the skin to regulate the natural hydration process .

Do you suffer from thinning skin complexion Here 's the solution to facial beauty

Many of the girls suffer from thinning skin which offer it for skin infection easily .
Which loses her skin beautiful shape and harms the beauty of pure face ..

So offer spinach mask and which helps to get rid of this problem: -
Mask components : -
  • 9-8 medium - sized spinach leaves and fresh.
  • 285 ml milk.
  • The amount of stones.

Preparation and use: -
Wash spinach leaves thoroughly and leave to dry .
  • And spinach cooked in milk cooking light and heat for 3 minutes .
  • Placed securities warm on the skin face securities milk .
  • And then dried the face with a clean towel .
  • Still face mask and rinse flip securities milk .
  • And then dried the face with a clean towel .
  • And a layer of stones placed on the face for moisturizing .

The quick and simple means for skin care and facial beauty

Means the basic skin care and facial beauty
1 - Oily skin : -
Oily skin usually need to: -
First: - Frequent cleaning: -
You need frequent cleaning to get rid of excess fat which are deposited inside the pores of the skin and close the pores, because the dust and dirt on them, and this is what is abusive to view the skin, and gives an opportunity for injury germs that give birth to these fat deposits , and thus increase the chance of infection with so-called dimples and grain , and on this oily skin should be washed three times a day with soap and water .
Given that the pores of the skin - especially if wide - are the places which are deposited to the excess fat it is useful permission to use material holding of these pores (Asringent) even reduce this Article chance of accumulation of fat , skin and simpler images such material is lemon juice , but not use it routine from time to time work for face rinse with a solution of lemon juice.

Second: - Do not eat contraband : -
As for the quality of food , it was found that some species help to increase the skin secretion of fat , and so should reduce them
It is these foods that help fat excretion : -
1 - scorching Food ( acclaimed ) .
2 - spices .
3 - spices .
4 - very hot drinks .

Third: - Facial Massage : -
The massage or ( massage) of the skin is one of the ways care simple and important skin, oily skin in particular benefit from massage , as the massage or massage works to rid the pores of fat and dust settled , it serves as a deep cleaning of the skin , plus it stimulates circulation , which improves skin tone and gives it freshness and vitality and beauty of the face.

Fourth: - steam bath for the face : -
This is also a means of fatty private skin care , where he works this bath to soften the sediment inside the pores of the skin , and thus helps them salvation , which is an effective treatment for blackheads problem that oily skin is exposed to infection .

2 - Dry skin : -
It is in the same situation oily skin almost , we advise through the reduction of exposure to soap because it is compounded drier , it is sufficient washing the face once or twice at most a day , taking care to choose soap suitable to reduce the likelihood of dry skin , the best species for this purpose are containing olive oil or glycerin.
It also must avoid the use of hot water in washing the face because it also increases the chance of drought, so you must use cold or lukewarm water .
In severe droughts , you must stay away completely from soap , but not facial cleaning preparations so special , and that the best milk or lotions containing milk.
Dry skin and need more work than others (masks ) on a regular basis to lubricate the skin and gained flexibility and vitality , but not at the rate of once a week at least.
In clear and droughts which sometimes cause harassment can simply overcome that paint the face with a thin layer of olive oil or glycerin each evening or after bathing .
To overcome the smell of glycerol and relieve his wife can add a little rose water to glycerol .
You must also take into account a sufficient intake of water a day and not prolonged exposure to air dry either cold or hot .

3 - dry and oily skin : -
This type of skin needs to be a combination of skin care products oily and dry skin together, and this care products : -
1 - When cleaning the Focus More fatty areas dry areas.
 2 - Holding materials are used for oily areas only.
3 - When you use moisturizing creams , the focus is on the more arid areas of the fatty acids .

4 - normal skin : -
And be taken care of by this skin by not over- exposed to the soap by washing in excess of the necessary so as not to get dehydrated, it is sufficient to be washed once in the morning and again in the evening using soap or lotion especially good cleaning .
Also , care must be taken of the use of any chemicals through industrial preparations so as not to infect these beautiful skin damage .

For facial beauty Know your skin type to take care of them professionally

Learn about the skin of your face and take care of them professionally homemade facial beauty ....

Successful skin care is that women are familiar with the type of skin , since each type of skin , relevant methods of care .

To find out the type of skin must not stand in front of the mirror to determine your skin type based on the following specifications : -

* Oily skin : -
1 - Do you notice that your skin look greasy sticky ?
2 - Do you have a problem blackheads your skin ?
3 - Do you have the problem of acne?
4 - Is show lignans your hair ?
5 - The Age sometimes accompanied by itching and inflammation greasy secretion
Especially around the nose ?

So such specifications indicate the presence of oily skin
It is characterized by an increase of fat out due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin, and therefore exposed to the fatty deposits stick out dust and dirt arise blackheads Ammesh , and exposed as well as inflammation of the skin due to excess fatty accompanied by itchy, and usually appears in the area surrounding the nose ..

It is well known that increased fat skin is one of the factors causing injury acne during puberty and adolescence, and this increase is due to hormonal change that occurs in the body .

In many cases accompanied by oily problem Akecralhar the skin due to the increase of the sebaceous glands in the scalp .
This excessive activity of the sebaceous glands often due to reasons of training or may be related to the hormonal status of the body.

* Dry skin : -
1 - Do you look like your face skin is not rough her ​​glamor ?
2 - Do you sometimes suffer from austerity or cracks your skin ?
3 - Do you notice you feel increase your skin 's sensitivity to powders or various make-up products ?
Such specifications indicate the presence of dry skin , which means that the sebaceous glands in them weak activity secretion fats الملينة to the skin.

This skin is exposed to austerity in severe droughts , as they are highly sensitive and clear for the use of make-up powders , and therefore should not rush to put any material beauty of chemical preparations before testing the suitability of the skin .

* Dry oily skin : -
And if you notice that your skin characterized Baldehnah in some areas and drought in other areas you have dry skin greasy.
This means that your skin combines increased fat excretion some areas , particularly the nose and chin and a small secretion of fat in other regions , especially the cheeks .

* Normal skin : -
There is another type of skin is normal skin , which is characterized by moderation in the secretion of fat where it appears the skin soft , does not have the feel of rough, or stock oily , and accordingly devoid normal skin of blackheads , the pores wide , and rarely exposed to infection acne .
I have the that this type is not available for many, and is therefore considered the lucky owners of the beauty of the face faster than others.

Great facial beauty Federation of components with orange clay

It is well known that aesthetically lies in oranges contain vitamin C
Let alone if combined with the components of clay ?
Not be more effective ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! !


Orange juice + Clay compound = mask for flabby skin and facial beauty

So try this mask consisting of : -
  • Two tablespoons of green clay
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice
  • One teaspoon of olive oil
  • A tablespoon of fresh cream
Preparation: -
  • Mix clay with orange juice .
  • Add to them , olive oil and fresh cream to consolidate the mix .
  • Put it on the face especially the nose and forehead for a quarter of an hour .
  • Then remove the mask with cold water genitive drops of lemon juice.

Firming flabby with a clay mask for facial beauty

Clay is one of the most successful natural treatments and effective in the treatment of skin and facial beauty , because it contains the essential metals group , working to tighten the skin and activate and maintain its durability, thus contributing to the delay of his old age, and saves his youth Permanent .....
It is available in several colors markets all useful .....

Madam offer you a clay mask that you can use to flatten flabby skin , which is available , walking and saves eternal youth has a significant role in delaying aging .....

Clay mask , you can use it to flatten flabby skin and facial beauty :-
Ingredients: -
- Tablespoons of green clay .
- Lavender oil .
- A cup of lukewarm water .

Preparation: -
- Mix the clay with lukewarm water.
- Add the two points of castor oil on the face for 10 minutes , taking into account away from the vicinity of the eye and mouth.
- Remove the mask with water genitive limes .

You can use a clay mask with activated lavender oil , a week ..

Best to mask lovers eternal youth and beauty of the face

Clay is one of the most successful natural treatments and effective in the treatment of skin and facial beauty , because it contains the essential metals group working to tighten the skin and activate and maintain its durability, thus contributing to the delay of his old age, and saves his youth Permanent .....
It is available in several colors markets all useful .....

But before using a clay compound must draw the attention of lovers eternal youth and beauty of the face to some important notes that you may go back as bad as what has not taken into account by the application of their importance.

Notes that the application must take into account before using the clay compound : -
-You can heat the clay without boiling , so as not to lose the necessary critical medical components that can have great benefits .
- Clay remove the mask on the face before drying and cracking , so as not to exceed the duration and put a quarter hour maximum .
- Use lemon juice , such as clay remover lotion .
- Blending vegetable oils such as thyme oil , sage oil , and Geranyum oil , olive oil before adding it to a substance in the preparation of clay mask before putting it on the skin.
- The need to throw the surplus of the mask after placing need the face, because it becomes lost authority may not be used again.
- Note that it is necessary to ease the lemon juice doubles the size of the water , because it contains substance Asidih may hurt the skin and facial beauty in the event of error in use , and do not forget the lack of sun exposure after use.

To prepare the mask of clay, tightens flabby skin : -
* Ingredients : -
- A tablespoon of grape juice.
- Tablespoons of clay.
- A tablespoon of wheat germ oil .
- Mineral water .

Preparation: -
- Mix the clay with grape juice, wheat germ oil .
- Add a little water so that no more than needed ( medium density ) 
- And then put it on the face and neck for a quarter of an hour .
- After the mask is removed with lukewarm water genitive few points of lemon juice .

Pour off the fat pockets and eye bags for facial beauty

Eyes are the main attraction point in facial features ....
It is considered a reflection of the same spirit and the beauty of the face ....
But the signs of aging and fatigue , sadness and joy appear early around the eyes, especially if you do not receive our care and attention ...
Look attractive and charming is the source of facial beauty ...

Below we will discuss eye problems and natural remedies : -
Fatty pockets and bags : -
Causes fatty pockets and bags : -
  • Excess fatty tissue culture.
  • Or advancing age .

Mask to alleviate the problem of fatty pockets and bags : -
This problem is solved when the surgeon but there is a mask to alleviate this problem and the treatment : -
  • Put a little heavy - boiled tea .
  • Where you should put your spoon in the freezer for an hour.
  • Then put them bulging pockets and will feel better .

Dark circles , causes and treatment for facial beauty

Eyes are the main attraction point in facial features ....
It is considered a reflection of the same spirit and the beauty of the face ....
But the signs of aging and fatigue , sadness and joy appear early around the eyes, especially if you do not receive our care and attention ...
Look attractive and charming is the source of facial beauty ...

Below we will discuss eye problems and natural remedies : -
Dark circles : -
Is evidence of fatigue and exhaustion and their causes are many: -
  • Vascular disorders .
  • And impairment - related diseases of the arteries.
  • And kidney and liver disease and lower blood pressure .
  • And increased secretion of melanin .
  • And also may be psychological , such as : - tension, anxiety and fatigue.
  • Exposure to sunlight for long periods of time .
  • Not drinking water in sufficient quantities .
  • Lack of sufficient sleep for hours .

To resist masks dark circles : -
* 1 - Mask yeast and starch : -
  • Mix the yeast with starch and a half tablespoons of olive oil a spoonful of honey .
  • Put them on your eyes for 10 minutes .
  • Then remove the mask with lukewarm water.

* 2 - Mask potatoes : -
  • Peel the potato and squeeze using a blender .
  • Put the mixture around the eyes .
  • Leave for 30 minutes .
This eliminates the black mask and shine outlook and become bright and attractive .

Swelling of the eyelids , causes and treatment for a charming look

Eyes are the main attraction point in facial features ....
It is considered a reflection of the same spirit and the beauty of the face ....
But the signs of aging and fatigue , sadness and joy appear early around the eyes, especially if you do not receive our care and attention ...
Look attractive and charming is the source of facial beauty ...

Below we will discuss eye problems and natural remedies : -
* Swollen eyelids : -
There are many diseases that cause water gathered in this area , including: -
  • Problems in the blood and sinuses.
  • In addition to the poor daily habits .
  • And an unhealthy diet .
  • And also there may be allergic to some cosmetic products that affect the beauty of the face .

Anti- mask swollen eyelids : -
  • Soak cabbage leaves in hot water for a few minutes .
  • Then segmental these papers and put them on the congested places For 10 - 15 minutes.

Eye wrinkles causes treated to reflect the beauty of the face

Eyes are the main attraction point in facial features ....
It is considered a reflection of the same spirit and the beauty of the face ....
But the signs of aging and fatigue , sadness and joy appear early around the eyes, especially if you do not receive our care and attention.

Below we will discuss eye problems and  appropriate natural remedies 
1 - eye wrinkles : -
Infect the outer corner of the eye and is considered one of the major problems faced by women and some of them get these wrinkles at an early age to affect the beauty of the face.

Reasons for these wrinkles : -
  • Lack of sleep, sadness.
  • Sitting for a long time in front of a computer screen or television for a long time .
  • Sun exposure significantly.
  • Add to the neglect of this region care and moisturizing .
  • Or removing make - up by rubbing the skin .

These factors make senescent eyes and wilted .

Mask to wrinkle resistance : -
Mask hibiscus tea bags : -
  • Boil hibiscus leaves and a bag of tea and wait to cool.
  • And put them in the form of bandages for 7 minutes .

This mask smooth skin and shining eyes .