Natural preserve your youth and beauty of the face ...
Contains a lot of fruit and vegetables on the essential vitamins and elements that maintain the beauty of your skin rejuvenated and facial beauty and elegance ....
Learn about the most important elements that you need and where can be found and keep the beauty of your face and nature .....................
Natural elements that have an impact on the beauty of the face : -
1 - carotene or Al Provitamin of the (A) fighting the signs of aging and helps the skin to retain their health and youth.
2 - Vitamin C of antioxidants that keep the skin freshness and help them to get rid of the signs of fatigue .
3 - Group B vitamins work to stimulate the building of new skin cells and the beauty of the face and thus help tissues and cells to renew themselves .
4 - Magnesium items that are struggling tension while working calcium , Al Selenium , as anti - oxidant .
5 - It helps in the production of collagen silicon while stating iron and zinc skin and muscle cells and so reduces the appearance of wrinkles and increases the beauty of the face .
Where do you find these vitamins and minerals : -
- Tomatoes contain vitamin C and pro-vitamin A and group B vitamins as well as potassium , magnesium, iron, zinc, necessary for facial beauty and smoothness .
- Carrots contain pro-vitamin A , potassium, calcium , magnesium and iron to save the luster of the skin .
- Needless option and a little water with vitamins it contains potassium , phosphorus , magnesium and zinc.
- Pepper is rich in vitamin (C ) and (d ) and Al Provitamin ( b) as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium , phosphorus and iron.
- Olive rich in vitamins ( a) and ( d) and fatty acids that help the skin to regulate the natural hydration process .
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