Continued to position and means for the beauty of the face in the first part ( Part 2 here )
* Whey : -
This is characterized as a deep cleanser for the skin, and helps Bleached and serenity , which is especially helpful for women with oily skin . It also enters in the composition of many of the skin care and facial beauty .
* Castor oil : -
The ancient Egyptians were the first to use castor oil and realized some of its properties ... I found the seeds of this oil is extracted in some of the tombs of the Pharaohs .
Among the most prominent characteristics of this oil aesthetic : - is Such as paint to strengthen hair , and as an antidote to peel the hair as it resists dry hair posed to the heat of the sun or use of chemical dyes or by bathing in the salty sea water .
Castor oil also has tonic effect of the nails , making it less likely to be bombed or if cracks painted it on a regular basis . Castor oil is also used in the work of the bathrooms , paint the lips and skin moisturizers , facial beauty and used to increase the growth of eyelashes .
* Corn: -
Enters the corn flour in the work of facial beauty masks , and used as an effective treatment for facial pills and sunburn. Is also used as a good cleaner through the hair shampoo corn flour .
* Eggs: -
Eggs used in skin care and facial beauty ... It must take into account that has the effect of egg whites pore astringent and therefore should not be used on a daily basis .... It is this property benefit women with oily skin in particular to resist the deposition of fat and dirt in the pores of the skin.
The egg yolk is rich in protein and is characterized with moisturizer for the skin effect and the beauty of the face , especially in cases of dry skin.
Eggs is also used as a tonic food to hair follicles because it contains a high percentage of protein ... The use of hair earned glamorous and energetic .
* Glycerol : -
Known about the property that glycerol moisten the skin and therefore is often used to treat cracks and roughness of hands ... It also enters in the composition of many of the various cosmetics such as facial cosmetics , as well as for use in the work of the bathrooms .
* Honey: -
This is one of the best natural materials for skin care and facial beauty .... And advised by mixing with egg whites to paint oily skin ... A little mixing of milk or stones to paint dry skin .
It can use its benefits to the skin through the action of the bathrooms where earns skin smoothness and vitality .
Given the effect of nourishing and moisturizing for the skin and facial beauty , it enters in the composition of many of cosmetics such as soap , creams and facial beauty masks , skin and serenity and whiteness .
* Milk : -
Advantage of milk that is rich in protein , calcium and vitamins in addition to easily absorbed into the skin , and this makes it one of the best nutrients for facial beauty and skin detergents .. So enters in the preparation of masks and creams Lye is used to clean the skin and facial beauty . In addition to that, added to water baths for cosmetic purposes .
* Sesame : -
Advantage of sesame oil in its ability to absorb the sun 's harmful rays
(UV ) and therefore is used in the preparation of creams and protective coatings from the sun. It also enters in the preparation of many of the skin care and beauty of the face , such as food and skin moisturizer .
* Yogurt: -
Enters the yogurt in the preparation of many of the skin care and beauty private face masks to force moist and nourishing for the skin and facial beauty , also features with helping to effect the demise of patches and pills and thus face a major role in increasing the beauty of the face .
It uses yogurt as a good cleaner for oily skin and yogurt paint on the face and then rinse face with warm water after 20 minutes.
Is also used to clean the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles , and to help hair growth , and yogurt paint scalp before shampooing .
* Vinegar: -
Vinegar of material which is rarely empty kitchen ... He attends various juices such as sugar cane , grapes and apples as well as can be prepared from wheat , corn and barley.
The apple cider vinegar is the best types of vinegar at all because characterized by its many health benefits in addition to its aesthetic benefits ...
It is used in the form of a solution Lye of the hair to get rid of dandruff , and to acquire an attractive luster hair , also resists Hair increased secretion of fat , so it is especially useful women with fatty sense .
It also enters the vinegar in the preparation of some skin care creams and facial beauty as a nourishing the skin .
The mention of the benefits of vinegar that his aesthetic effect resistant to expansion and the emergence of veins ( varicose veins ) ... This is a recipe I provide for women with varicose disease to help recover from this disease, which distorts the beauty of the legs ...
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