With vitamin C beauty of your face and lasting benefits for skin clarity

Certain that a diet rich in vitamin (C) , which can be extracted from vegetables and fruit from the inside serves facial beauty widely , but what is the effect of this vitamin on the beauty if the use of its food from abroad, via creams prepared from lemon , which is at the forefront of fruit rich in vitamin (C).
Dependence on lemon food from home and abroad both play the role of food item , which gives more power to skin and increases the beauty of face , as it works on blooming shrink pores , removes stains and scars , and fights premature wrinkles , and lightens the prominent ones .

So multiply, lemon juice drink , and urban externally treatment with these blends juice with olive oil , and massage the skin , and then leave it for two hours.

Use lemon as an external treatment for skin away from exposure to the sun , and within a limited time , so do not get skin burns.

The Food Standards for vitamin C is available in lemon that: -
  • Strengthens your defenses to protect the beauty of the face and skin
  • Removes the accumulated fat .
  • Purifies the skin of toxins and maintains the beauty of the face .
  • Protects the skin from external influences , especially sunlight.
  • Prevent entrapment of water in the body and the accumulation of fat in the buttocks and legs , which negatively affects the beauty of the textures.
  • Regulates the sebaceous glands .
  • According to both hair drink juice , or even wash the scalp, in order to take advantage of the vitamin C you only drink a cup of hot water mixed with lemon juice , or drinking a glass of pure lemon juice .