Make sure to use the Face cosmetics carefully

Fruit treatment : -
And lotions that contain fruit acids are treated rather than Tjamila , so it does not have to be used carefully ...

The following is tell you how ?
* Not all preparations consisting of fruit acids containing moisturizer , so you may need to use another moisturizer .

* Read the cream components well before use.

* Sensitive skin may be affected by these lotions , appears in the form of skin redness and burning , but these symptoms go away quickly not upset , no worry, no need to fear .
If these symptoms increased the limit or continued for a long time up to a week , stop use .

* Go in creams that contain fruit acids gradually within the routine care of your skin and facial beauty. to use once the evening.
If your skin is very sensitive Begin one week times .

* Before the distribution of these products must be clean skin .
Wait a few minutes after cleaning and then leader of the beauty care cream face.

* In most cases suitable creams to the area around the eyes , but I am careful not to leakage to the eye itself.