Rosewater moisturizer for oily skin and facial beauty : -
Rose water can be used as a good moisturizer for oily skin
* It is prepared using a humidifier : -
Half a cup of rose leaf teas with a spoonful of rosewater
* And how to prepare roses leaf teas get rid of : -
- Pouring a cup of boiling distilled water on a rose severe reddish , odorless and leaves the water even degrade rose in a closed container .
- Then we liquidation and add rose water and blend the mixture well .
- And use the mixture to cool after such a moisturizer for oily skin.
Parsley for sensitive skin and moisturizing facial beauty : -
Parsley infusion is used to moisturize the sensitive skin and facial beauty.
* , Which can be prepared as follows : -
- Soaking parsley leaves in boiling water for 15 minutes .
- Then filter and leave it to cool down and then washing the face
Flower Alblissan for regular moisturize the skin and facial beauty : -
For normal skin and all skin types using infusion Flower Alblissan .
* Which is prepared as follows : -
Soaking flower Alblissan in boiling water for 15 minutes .
Then infusion filtering inside a bottle using a piece of clean gauze .
Then add two points of spirit gum benzoin per cup of infusion .
And use as a moisturizer for all skin types and facial beauty
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