Natural ways to treat skin dryness and clarity of the skin

There are more natural ways tips
For the treatment of dry skin which will affect the beauty of the face and hurt him , the most important point in tips
Drinking eight glasses of water a day ......
It works to moisturize the skin and serenity
And save her from pimples and grain that distort
Beauty of the skin and facial beauty .............

Is possible to make paint from the volatile oils to moisturize dry skin and restore freshness
  • Develop points of essential oil such as lavender oil and rose oil with four ounces of distilled water.
  • Then shake well and spray on the skin , turning smoothness and vitality.

Useful as well as the work of the steam baths chamomile flowers , mint, or lavender in the following manner : -
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons of powdered grass, put in a quarter of a liter of boiling water.
  • And displays the face of rising vapor pregnant with volatile oils for 15 minutes .
  • Rinse face with cold water, and dried thoroughly clean towel .
  • And can filter out the remaining water from the grass and save it in a clean bottle closed for use in cleaning the skin again for facial beauty.

Among the most important attributes of dry skin : -
  • Drought apparent as it seems our appearance year roped nervous .
  • The front top show some wrinkles expressive despite the young age and form is disturbing and unsettling for facial beauty .
  • And often appears on the white surface peel around the mouth and the central region of the face after washing .