Mix that benefited them and felt they roamed result in facial beauty

Now moving some beauty houses also natural to return to its components safe where there are natural masks , which helps to lighten the color of skin bleaching and help to facial beauty and freshness and give it gravity

While some people prefer to use some cosmetic masks , which prepare at home and give the same result .

*** Here are some recipes that run on natural skin bleaching and freshness and increased facial beauty .......

Terrible recipe for skin bleaching and freshness and beauty of the face : -
  • Are mashed a half avocado pill with a spoonful of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Mix well until the mixture is formed soft dough .
  • Then put the mask on your face and neck for 20 minutes .
  • Then relax and give room to mask the mask gives the desired effect .
  • Then wash your face with cold water.
  • Repeat the process twice a week , it is this mask would combat wrinkles and restore youth and freshness to the skin to increase facial beauty