To get rid of wrinkles and increasing facial beauty easily

This combination is called : - combination facial beauty
Are used : - to get rid of wrinkles
So when you get rid of the problem of wrinkles certainly be at the top of the beauty of the beautiful face because the skin is the basis of net facial beauty
If you are a skin with wrinkles give you this composition for removing wrinkles , and you only need to provide a little of your time , to continue maintaining the use of this combination and the most important thing patience

* 1 - combination facial beauty to get rid of wrinkles : -
Ingredients: -
- Egg yolk
- Quarter teaspoon fennel powder
- Quarter teaspoon bitter tincture
- Teaspoon cream or lotions for facial beauty

Method: -
- Works for the face of the first steam bath
- Fail Ingredients previous well- painted face and neck
- Left on the face of 25 - 35 minutes.

* 2 - other combination to get rid of wrinkles : -
Ingredients: -
- Egg albumin
- Half teaspoon tincture Jawi
- Spoon dough fresh blueberry
- Spoon cream milk

Method: -
- Mix all the ingredients earlier and painted face
- Remain on the face for a full hour
- And then wash with water only
Thus, the beauty queen face with continuity and regularity in the use of this mixture .