Pharmacy masks for facial beauty
Before we talk about these masks and qualities you need to know that the duty of care to handle and use, so as not to cause the work of the sensitivity of the face if the facial nerve .
It is not permissible to operate and facial hair Loose It also may cause to do something a little sensitivity .
All chemicals need to be purchased from a pharmacy .
1 - a combination of facial beauty : -
Light makes the face beautiful color in the case of repeat and put it on the face twice a week , they hinder the growth of facial hair that to increase the beauty of the face .
Shall not be placed on the face of Loose hair or sensitive.
Ingredients: -
( Chemicals need to be purchased from the pharmacy )
Half teaspoon Sefer Jawi
Half teaspoon borax
2 cups water contained
Half teaspoon grated soap
Method: -
- Previous Mix the ingredients well and put them in a bottle in the refrigerator.
This is sufficient for the mixture for several times.
- Take two tablespoons amount and Grease them and face after mixing it with one egg whites ( the amount of mixing 2 tablespoons of the mixture with the previous whites of the eggs ) .
- Wait 20 to 40 minutes.
- Then wash your face with water only.
Mixture is placed daily on the face day after day , until the advent of the results
After the emergence of the result is placed on the face only twice a week
Then placed once in each week.
- Is fit to be kept after this mask on the face moisturizer .
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