Fast preparation for facial beauty ........
The first dish should be eaten between meals brings you face beauty ......
Snacks noodles for facial beauty .........
Most important advice for the maintenance of natural beauty of your face and the factors of time ......
Make yourself eyeball and bitch about the multiplication of the following cuisine .........
The first dish should be eaten between meals brings you face beauty ......
First and foremost fruit ...................
The most important advice for the maintenance of normal skin and facial beauty of the time factors are eating fruit or juice on an empty stomach .
As well as eating fruit as the first dish , or as a snack between meals or meal moistened with a refreshing and is strictly prohibited eating fruits center or after a meal , as we are used because they often cause hardship in digestion .
When eating eat vegetables abundantly following : -
Artichokes , beets , avocado , asparagus , broccoli , cabbage , lettuce , celery , cucumber and syphilis balls and onions, watercress and grilled potato and sweet potato crusted and multiply the intake of vegetable soup and salads.
The nuts they contain fatty acids necessary for the beauty of the face and skin , the most important of almonds , walnuts and hazelnuts pulp sunflower and pumpkin pulp .
Granted fatty acids and oils found these nuts softness and tenderness for dry skin and beauty of the face.
At the same time Connie eyeball in cuisine salt and chili and curry and foods that include preservatives or colors industrially and sugary foods , and foods that contain white flour, coffee, tea, cow's milk , cola and foods fried which contain fat.
And herbs is also known to protect the skin and facial beauty , long ages ago , and became involved in modern cosmetics industry .
It is necessary foods for more beautiful skin yogurt , brown rice , brown pasta and cereals , oats and fresh oily fish , chicken, eggs, skim the fat lamb and sheep livers
Use honey instead of sugar in sweetening food and eating dried fruits such as dates , figs , apricots, watermelon pulp nuts or sunflower instead of eating sweets , chocolate and cakes, and drink mineral water in abundance .
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