Get rid of acne permanently and restore facial beauty

  Four and home recipes to get rid of acne permanently

The heads scattered on the face , pimples that distort facial beauty of the most common problems experienced by many, and are these pills is troublesome when many people , especially females they appear in many places in women Kalpthor deployed in the face and hands or in the chest or back, and the whole affect the beauty of the women 's skin and make them permanent insomnia and thinking about how to get rid of them to restore the beauty of the face and restore confidence.
And Taattadd the medical and therapeutic ways to get rid of these pills , especially affecting t
he beauty of the face and distort the beauty of the skin .
And many women rely on taking certain medications to get rid of acne and can be useful in getting rid of acne and restore the face of the beauty and luster However , many disadvantages and leave negative effects .
Many women resort to laser therapy to get rid of it completely , but the success rate of this method may not be high.
There are some methods used in many beauty salons that perform peeling from time to time and to get rid of the problem of acne and restore facial beauty again and I had not leave negative effects and give a temporary result .
With this in mind , Madam recourse to nature is the best solution to get rid of acne because of leaves and positive results SAFE is not temporary , but permanent benefit the skin and beauty of your face .

These are some natural ways to get rid of acne and restore the beauty of your skin in general, and particularly facial beauty .

* The first recipe to remove acne scars and restore facial beauty : -
Experts say it is possible to use honey to treat acne using
A mixture of : -
- Honey ( 2 tbsp .)
- Lemon juice ( 1 tablespoon lemon juice ) .
Method: -
- Previous Mix ingredients together and makes them homogeneous mixture is placed on the face for 20 minutes or 15 minutes.
- And then wash the face with warm water and soap.

* Recipe seconds to remove the effects of grain on your face and your skin and filtering Bleached : -
Ingredients: -
- Sagebrush oil .
- Tine greener ground ( sold when Attaroand the seller herbs)
Or can be replaced with mud from the  the Dead Sea.
Method: -
- Heat the oil, sage and add him Tina even hold together.
- Leaves a little to cool down so that the burden of the skin .
- And then position as a mask or leave it so that it becomes dark in color .You'll notice result after 4 days.

* The third recipe to remove the effects of grain on your face and your skin and filtering Bleached : -
Ingredients: -
Acne treatment pumpkin juice .
Method: -
- Keep fruit juice cup fresh pumpkin with water
 (To improve the taste you can add honey ).
- Drink before going to sleep .
- Can also rub the face put a few of this juice as a mask for the face and then wash it off and then drying the face clean towel .
- Take small pieces of fruit pumpkin and put them on places of acne.

* Described a fourth to remove the effects of grain on your face and your skin and filtering Bleached : -
Ingredients: -
- Use lemon juice and put it on the places where they spread grain
Method: -
- And that after evaluating the era of the lemon.
- And then the process of scanning and rub places spread of grain ( light rubbing ) juice and then leave it to dry until absorbed by the skin and gives the result.
- Then Dress بغسله the warm water and then cold water and then dried soft towel .
- Valemon works on Tkhalask of cereals , dried and remove its effects .