Beware of its lemon amounts mask for facial beauty

Lemon can be detrimental to your skin and the beauty of your face so you must use lemons mind ...
Stop repeated lemon mask because it may affect the beauty of the face ......

Ancients said that the best treatment for the health and the secret of beauty is sitting in the basin fruit ....
And lemon known since ancient therapeutic effects .

Benefits of lemon moral : -
  • Once the sniff the smell up your spirits and open your heart , as experts say treatment plants aromatic scents .
  • Lemon role is not limited only to make better moral spirit is very useful for facial beauty and your skin .

Lemon benefits for the skin and facial beauty : -
  • It leads the role of article tonic for the skin and its feeding .
  • And use leads to shrinkage of large pores .
  • It also is used to treat spots on the skin which is rich in vitamin C 
  • Anti-wrinkle : Old treatment for wrinkles and is used directly on the skin and prefer to leave it for two or three hours so when massage with olive oil and lemon juice .
  • Lemon is useful in dissolving the dead cells of the skin.
  • It also gives super softness and makes it more glamorous ...
  • It can be used for the treatment of warts and moles ...
  • the lemon good treatment to rid the skin of toxins It protects the skin and increases the beauty of the face and is used for the skin and whites of serenity and save her from the burns and dark spots and removes wrinkles .

Health benefits of lemon : -
  • Lemon treatment of fat in the buttocks and legs.
  • Lemon superb ability to form a last line of defense to protect the beauty of the nightmare of the accumulation of fat .
  • And activates the kidneys to get rid of body fluid entrapment and accumulation of fat in the buttocks and legs , so it can cleanse your body from the inside by drinking a cup of hot water with lemon.

Risks lemon
  • Lemon oil can be used in limited occasions because it can burn the skin , so it uses the mind and wisdom.
  • There were used and then go out under direct sunlight may lead to the appearance of spots on the skin that distort its beauty .
  • Lemon used as a mask to remove freckles , spots and sunburn of the skin , but the over- used as a mask harm the skin and lead to dry and it inflamed and red do not overdo it in use you can use it as a mask twice a week .