Facial beauty masks made hands
Often get confused bride With the approaching date of the wedding date is getting concerned and tense , making her skin look pale stressful and we offer you a number of useful masks .
National work week before the wedding date at least it is according to your skin and know very well that skin care does not need to rely on the system supernatural or large amounts of lotions.
Mother Nature has everything we ask of treatment in our reach , but we know how we use it is a cheap and simple and can easily get it because it is in your kitchen cupboard .
Has a team of beauty experts devised a number of Americans face masks nutritious , all natural fruit of that help nourish your skin and seminars , giving it the beauty of the face and radiance and sparkle.
* Essential to mask facial beauty : -
* Dress mixing (2 Spoon) of natural yogurt with:
1 - If Bashterc is normal or sensitive
Vakhaltehma with half a spoonful of honey pure white .
2 - If your skin is dry
Fajlaitehma with half a spoonful of honey and the juice 4 citrate , or a small amount of oatmeal.
Mix the quantity with each other very well and put them on your face and make sure to leave the area around the eye is free.
Relax and let the mixture on your face for 15 -20 minutes.
With the development of some units of the option on the eye rings even easing any bulges them while you relax .
After that national Catcher laundering by a piece of cloth soft الفانلة or through a sponge dipped in warm water .
* Banana mask for dry skin -:
Mix a small banana with two tablespoons of oatmeal and a spoonful of honey white net and this will save you from catcher manifestations of fatigue and stress and pallor that appear on your face as it works to remove any facial spots .
National Behrs bananas in a small dish until the Kalmajun is then add the oatmeal and honey and begin blending the mixture well .
, Then leader of the face and neck , but make sure to wash your face before placing the catcher so that you get a desired result.
Relax for 15-20 minutes before washing with warm water .
National Massage your face action by Dekh circular movements and a soft towel and then lightly Grease face soothing cream nutritious .
* Combination Skin Mask :
A spoonful of oatmeal + a spoonful of yogurt + half grated apple + two tablespoons of lemon juice.
This Catcher works to tighten the pores of the face also helps to get rid of dead cells .
Nationalist mixing oatmeal with yogurt well and then add the grated apple and lemon juice mixture and my heart good.
National distribution of the mixture on your face and neck and relax for
15 - 20 minutes .
National and then wash with warm water with catcher mind that Tdeka of coarse well - to - many places your fingers until your dead cells.
* Mask moisturizer for normal skin :
Half a grain of very ripe pear and soft + egg yolk
+ Tablespoon olive oil .
National mix mix well and distribute them on your face and neck.
And relax for 15 -20 minutes so Taathristi the holder to take the time to permeate the pores of the skin and give it the required moisture .
After that nationalist remove water catcher .
* Pear mask for oily skin :
A half pear fruit mature and make sure to use them all as they are cortex and seeds tablespoon yogurt and a spoonful of honey natural white + tablespoon lemon juice .
National Bdek skin by the inner face of the crust , this pear sponsor that rids your face of dead cells and prepare your skin for the holder .
National distribution of the mixture on your face and leave for 10 - 15 minutes and then nationalist then remove it with warm water .
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