It is known that the masks cosmetics that are smoothed skin or cleaned and beautified it, great benefits begin to remove the dead skin cells or preoccupied and clean pores and as well as reducing wrinkles and lines undesirable in the face, and the treatment of the skin with such masks , even once a week on a regular basis , greatly improves the situation public and health of your skin and facial beauty .
If you look in the fridge to found the treasures of moisturizers and nutrients to your skin .
In each recipe you find rich natural ingredients adds moisture and softness to your skin you need for perseverance Time vitality and freshness and softness, and do not forget the fact that these components from natural herbs and plants .
Natural recipes for facial beauty and skin whitening : -
* The first recipe : -
Half a cup of grated option+ half a cup of grated avocado
+ egg whites + and two tablespoons of dried milk powder .
Method: -
- Confuse Ingredients previous blender until you get a homogeneous mix heavy fine .
- Brady mixture in the fridge for half an hour .
- National and face paint mixture with the neck area as well , and in a circular motion to the top.
- And then leave the mask on the face for half an hour or until dry.
- And then wash your face and neck with warm water immediately followed by cold water.
- And then dry your skin gently with a soft towel .
* The second recipe : -
Whites of eggs + juice of half a lemon great.
Method: -
- Beat the mixture well for three minutes.
- Then Grease do directly with the face avoiding the eye area .
- And then leave it on the face for 30 minutes or until completely dry.
- Then wash your skin with warm water .
- And then massage the skin with subtle movements moisturizer cream .
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