For a beautiful smile .....For facial beauty 2014

Key facial beauty >>>> beautiful smile

For a beautiful smile more than the beauty of the face ....

The basis of facial beauty is a beautiful teeth tended must therefore take into account the assets of adequate dental hygiene . For a broad smile pearly give girls more attractive shape and beauty of the face so this smile مفاتح to facial beauty ....

Tools of the bathroom : -
Brush: - the latest trend is electric brushes . These easy - to - use brushes and most of all that it removes the effects of stains.
But of course you can sufficiency traditional brushing and remember not to have felt the brush solid or too mushy and national change the brush every three months .

Putty : - putty course important and should contain fluoride Look for the appropriate type for you among the many types available.

Quality , not quantity : -
 It is better to wash your teeth thoroughly twice a day on that
   Tguslehma without care many times.
* Wash teeth thoroughly mean duration shall not be less each time for three
    Full minutes That increases the dental hygiene and protection.
* You should be doing the work on your teeth circular movements using
    Brush so you get a more healthy teeth .
* Remember that Tafrhi the teeth from the inside and from the outside .