* 1 - the first treatment consists of : -
- Narcissus flowers .
- Vinegar.
Method: - crushed flowers, daffodils , and then mixed with a little vinegar and then wipe out the place costs.
* 2 - the second treatment consists of : -
- Chard juice .
- Castor oil.
- Vinegar .
- Halva
- Rosewater .
Method: - Mix equal amounts of chard juice and castor oil , vinegar, halva and rose water , then place Grease costs twice a day , morning and evening , each time for a quarter of an hour .
* 3 - the third treatment consists of : -
- Thermos.
- Water.
Method: - crush the little thermos, then soak a thermos with a liter of cold water for three days , and then put it on the fire to boil and then be abated licked by location costs.
* 4 - Fourth therapy consists : -
- Lemon juice .
- Oxygen.
Method : - Put three points of the lemon juice , then add to them a spoonful of oxygen wounds . Then Grease place costs twice in the morning and evening .
* 5 - Fifth therapy consists of : -
- Honey.
- Onions.
Method: - Mix a little onion juice with honey, and then put it on your face for a quarter of an hour a day.
* 6 - Sixth therapy consists of : -
- Lemon juice or grapefruit .
Method: - Wipe costs place a piece of lemon or grapefruit .
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