Chamomile and beauty secrets ...............
Recipes from natural herbs for facial beauty .................
Chamomile this plant with a beautiful flower and odor has become the focus of attention of beauty experts in the world.
Scientists have discovered the many benefits of cleaner and protect the skin , and the beauty of the face, as well as protect hair from rainfall , and treat sore eyes , sore feet and stomach ailments .
Chamomile is now at the forefront of natural herbs that the world began to return to disposal of preparations containing chemicals.
And chamomile many benefits we offer you these recipes .
( Chamomile ) is the scientific name for this type of grass that grows in the Arabian deserts , while popular names mismatch (Wormwood )
And (chamomile ) , a plant of the genus called ( ventral plants ) because the benefits related to the stomach and intestines and digestive system.
The most recent uses of chamomile are in the field of cosmetics and skin care and facial beauty and whiteness of the skin and skin clarity and facials.
And chamomile plant a fruit -like fruit flower Almadat , has aromatic smell good and refreshing ......................
The ancients used it as a medicine and treatment for thousands of years , Fastamlh ancient Egyptians as a medicine to reduce the heat and fever also used it for skin care and facial beauty.
The ancient Greeks used it as a medicine so that the famous physician Galen was describing chamomile to patients who complain about the curvature of the legs.
Recently alert beauty experts in the developed world that chamomile is considered to be one of the secrets of facial beauty of Eve , bringing currently at the forefront of natural ingredients used to take care of the beauty of the skin .
First, it : - natural plant enters a no chemical additives harmful side effects.
A Second: - exists in the earth is inexpensive and does not require extraction of elements to spend any money .
It Third: - rich in natural materials urgently needed to bring the beauty of the face to women without industrial processing .
He then Fourth : - economist plant , in the sense that it is possible to use all of its parts from Venus through securities and leg and the end of roots , for the purpose of skin care and facial beauty.
And the results of the use of chamomile oil extracts in the treatment of amazing everything related to skin and facial beauty , such as easing congestion and remove the skin and wrinkle resistant and cleanse pores and facials.
These are some recipes that you can do yourself and inside your home.
For skin net : -
The first recipe to ensure you cleanse the pores of the skin and get rid of the fatigue.
National drenched job of 500 gm chamomile in 3 to 4 liters of hot water for 20 minutes after a shower soaked national average added to water ( bathtub ) and its Lie relaxed completely for 20 minutes, and then you get a all Almazia that we have mentioned .
The steam bath containing chamomile flower : -
It works to purify the skin and clarity of color and cleanse the pores and you can keep your skin clean and increased facial beauty using the continuous steam baths , which consists of the same amounts of the previous recipe .
* If you have oily skin pores open , you can add some mint leaves soaked in chamomile boiled, and so do you do to reduce the secretion of fat and maintain the freshness of your skin and with the cleanse pores .
* If your skin is dry , those are the most common types of skin prone to wrinkles , especially with the intensification of the summer heat , which increases drying seems ( elderly ) more than what they are, and here you can work on moistened using oil, chamomile, and so back to your skin vitality and become more resistant to wrinkles.
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