Sage leaves ( sage ) : -
Used sage leaves ( sage ) leaven for the treatment of skin with large pores , skin and pimples , and to treat the skin lean.
* Method of preparation for skin fat : -
- Take a tablespoon of powdered sage leaves , and placed in a cup.
- And fill the cup with boiling water , and then placed on a low heat for 3-5 minutes.
- And uses the solution after abated slightly so that the paint skin .
Chrysanthemum plant : -
Plant has antiseptic properties and chrysanthemums clear impressions . Which affect effective in treating offer convenient painting and pimples . And stop the sensitivity of the skin , gums , and is also used to treat the problem of precipitation of the hair.
* Attend drenched chrysanthemums : -
- Of alcohol with a concentration of 40 % by 1 / 10 with chrysanthemums.
- Then add a tablespoon of soaked in a glass of water.
- And the solution is ready for use .
Cucumber juice : -
Uses cucumber juice - such as at an affordable product -
We offer convenient painting for the treatment of warts .
Potato juice : -
Fresh potato juice is used as an anti - inflammatory , then treat eczema , burns , and painful of nails , skin infections and offer convenient painting .
* Prepare potato juice : -
- Is taken raw potato , washed and cleaned of its skin .
- Is then sprayed potato using the tool perch to become soft .
- The resulting quantity placed on a piece of gauze folded several folds .
- And then placed on the affected area of the skin.
- Still Article conjured up after two hours.
Azeris plant ( Plush ) : -
Enjoy plant Azeris ( Plush ) therapeutic properties against allergies. Uses such as swimming or cleaner, especially for young children , is also very useful in the treatment of inflammation of the face after shaving.
The bark of oak leaf : -
Advised to use the bark of the oak - drenched to the skin to treat fat sweat retention and fat wasting , burns ( as an astringent ) and also used this soaked by 1/ 5 in the case of sweating feet.
Chamomile plant : -
Chamomile is known for its ability to suppress pain, and its effectiveness against infections .
Affects drenched chrysanthemums effectively when sunburn , and pimples rosacea skin friction .
Chamomile and mint leaf and roses : -
Advised to use chamomile , peppermint , rose for the treatment of dry skin. These plants have the impact of rain and disinfectant for the skin.
Cough and plant chrysanthemums and eucalyptus : -
It also advised to use cough and plant chrysanthemums and eucalyptus for the treatment of oily skin as an antiseptic materials and anti-inflammatory .
Patience and plant oats and flute sponsor papers : -
Can slow down or even stop the process of withering skin, by cosmetic masks for facial beauty , massages , and rub the skin with the following plants : -
Patience juice , oatmeal drenched , flute papers Shepherd .
These plants help to activate the interactive processes of the skin and revitalize the skin .
* Vegetable mask can be prepared as follows : -
- Add boiling water to parts of plants cut into small pieces by 1 / 3
- And then placed on the fire and boil with a cup of water for fifteen minutes.
- And then filtered powder and used like a lotion .
- Keep lotion in a cool place .
Cucumber seeds : -
To protect the skin from freckles and pimples , you can use cucumber seeds drenched
* Attending looks like this : -
- By adding alcohol and ferment for two weeks.
- Then solved with water by 1/ 10 and then used by placing the seeds on the face .
- And rub a rate of once a day .
- Repeat this process until you get the results anticipated .
Apple cider vinegar : -
You can scan the face apple cider vinegar in the morning and evening , if she has appeared on face freckles signs .
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