Strawberry , apricot , natural facial beauty secret

Containing strawberrie (strawberries)  and apricot on a different
and important vitamins have a significant impact on the beauty of the face and skin , especially facial skin and adds it anointed aesthetic and natural without complications and side effects of chemicals .

Benefits of strawberries and apricots to the beauty of the face and how to prepare for each catcher : -

* Wrinkle resistance : -
  • Enough four strawberry kernels of scale.
  • Wash thoroughly after removing the leaves in the head.
  • Blends in a whipping with a medium - sized round piece of green pumpkins and one teaspoon of Petit Suisse without adding water or milk
  • Mix is used as a mask on the face for 15 minutes and then wash the face with warm water and after 15 minutes of placing the mask.
  • And you can repeat the process two or three times a week.

* Protect your skin : -
  • Mix one teaspoon ( eat ) of the apricot jam with a spoon of mashed option and one teaspoon of natural honey.
  • Mix is used as a mask for the skin on the face for a quarter of an hour .
  • Then wash the face with warm water or mineral water .
  • The process can be repeated two or three times a week.

* Freshness of the skin : -
  • 4 pills blends of strawberries with whipped cream soft non- artificial milk so as to work for facial beauty mask .
  • Mix is used as a mask to restore the luster to the face on the one hand and to remove the puffiness that surrounds the eyes .
  • Mask and lasts for 15 minutes and then wash the face with warm water .
  • The process can be repeated twice a week .