2014 World facial beauty , facial beauty care , and recipes for the Unification of skin color, skin color uniformity ? ? ? , Blends Links to facial beauty
Recipes for the Unification of skin color, facial color uniformity ....... Mixtures Links
Do you want to unify the color of your skin smoothness and whiteness and brightness , is a beautiful dream generally steals the eyes of the people .
First you read these recipes then Recruit what suits them and nationalist processed to Taatmaza the beauty of the face.
These are some recipes to get to a pretty face with a uniform color skin free of dark parts and dark spots.
The first recipe ( for skin smoothness and shine )
Articles need to : -
* TWO potato
* Few of yogurt
* Lemon ( number one)
* Almond oil
How to prepare the recipe : -
* Bring TWO of potatoes then Aslekayam and Akecrém .
* After peeling Habaytin the Mash the potatoes well and then in addition to a few
Of yogurt and massage the entire face .
* And then leave on the face for half an hour until it becomes dry.
* Then Bring almond oil , Grease and your face is it a mixture
Potatoes, milk then Ofrckah the circular fashion .
* Then wash with warm water and rub the face Blemuna Pray
Light and soft .
* Then wash with soap and water or facial lotion that تعودتي
To use it and my then Karim humidifier.
The second recipe ( for peeling and moisturize the skin )
Articles need to : -
* One cup of olive oil
* One cup caster sugar
* One cup of lemon juice
* Few of grated soap
How to prepare the recipe : -
* Bring one cup of olive oil and then add it half
Cup of caster sugar .
* Then add one cup of lemon juice.
* Previous Mix ingredients together until homogeneous .
* After Abashraliha the few soap to become a mixture of
Olive oil and coarse sugar and grated soap .
* Rubbed them lightly face for ten minutes with the movement of the clock and another ten minutes anti-clockwise .
* Then wash the face after thoroughly with lukewarm water .
Recipe third ( facial give smoothness and whiteness )
Articles need to : -
* Glycerin liquid
* Lemon juice
Swirly to use this recipe by half an hour each bathroom
How to prepare the recipe : -
* Mix a small amount of glycerin with the amount of lemon juice
( Arbitrarily the amounts either increase or decrease as you need them )
* Grease face glycerin liquid mixture with lemon juice
This recipe gives facial beauty and superior smoothness .
Recipe fourth ( working to remove facial wrinkles )
Articles need to : -
* Banana
* Three tablespoons milk
How to prepare the recipe : -
* Mash the banana fruit and then mixed with milk to make a cohesive dough .
* Previous distributed components ( mashed banana paste with milk ) with a focus on skin wrinkles places .
* Left on the face for 15 minutes until dry.
* After you dry wash the face with lukewarm water and then Put cream
Moisturizer on your face.
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