Your face is a doctor who diagnosed disease and Ahdekke for proper treatment ... Face a mirror that reflects your health

Face a mirror that reflects your health ..............
Health beauty of your face .................
Know your illness through your face .........
You may notice , for example , some pale in face Vtfchrin it no more fatigue ........
But Madam You should note that your internal appesrs health community and clear on your face ،so your a mirror that reflects your inner health , and every part of it can reveal health problems at home. If it is true face Pat
( ( Doctor ) ) which is diagnosed in disease and Ahdekke the correct treatment
Do you know , for example , that pallor, refers to a lack of blood or the so-called anemia does not mean that just exhaustion ?
Drying does not mean that the inadequacy of the body of essential mental acids ?
Eye color, change the color of the tongue and lips .... Are all indications of internal diseases .
Not Taataajabi all part of your face for a particular disease guides from the ears down to the tongue.

Here are some tips to understand the language of your body and take care of it : -

       Pale skin         
May indicate anemia, Here 's another test : -
Nationalist strain eyelid down , if looked pale, it means that you are suffering from anemia ......................
The reason is iron deficiency, and this is a problem because women menstrual cycle, pregnancy or continuous hemorrhage due to bleeding hemorrhoids and ulcers or peptic ulcers infectious ..................
In this case, you should eat a good amount of vegetables, red meat , fish , vegetable and grain and fruit juice while taking food because vitamin C helps the absorption of iron .

        Dry skin         
Mean you Taatnola not sufficient quantity of essential fatty acids that are obtained from the diet because the body does not produce
In order to get it must be your diet low cholesterol , low in saturated fat .
In this case, multiply the intake of essential fatty acids by eating more unsaturated vegetable oils , nuts and fish.

       Mole or good    
Should be monitored and attention to any change in size or color , or any bleeding , it means cancer جلديا .
In this case, do not hesitate to see a doctor Vahamh can be removed under local anesthetic .

Eyes also a warning To make you Tantpehin to your health : -
     Redness of the eye   
* Redness of the eye : -
Is usually harmless , but if it is impossible whites of the eyes to a crimson color often it may be the result of disease, such as high blood pressure , diabetes or a bacterial infection
And inflammation of the soles of the eyelid in this case you need to see a doctor.
* White ring around the iris of the eye : -
May indicate high cholesterol , and there may be white spots on the form teardrop Mnsakbh , this indicates the stock cholesterol.
Are cured by drugs as well as to follow the system Amai low cholesterol and eat more garlic.

   Two eyes Infected by drought   
* If The eyesInfected by drought : -And the reason is mostly menopause and the reason is caused by water balance as a result of change reset Alhomonat .
Here you may be putting a drop of comparative useful but better to check with your doctor to decide if there are problems in the thyroid gland .
* Eyebrow eyes : -
Is also an important member of , Fterqgah refers to deficiencies in the activity of the thyroid gland or the result of psychological distress , disease or evidence of the pending births .
Here should see a doctor to determine the cause and give you proper treatment .

* Party ear : -
The growth harsh on the tip of the ear may be a signal to gout which arises from the increasing amount of ammonia in the tissue fluids , which means that the kidneys and stomach does not lead their functions properly as it should .
And is treated by avoiding high-protein food such as meat, cereals and pulses and alcohol.
Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to control gout pain.

* Inflammation of the skin of the nose : -
Could mean a shortage of zinc metal .
You eat more red meat and marine Almakulat and grain.

* Chapped lips : -
Indicate a lack of vitamin (B2) or allergic Lipstick
You should eat sources of vitamin B2 , such as brown bread , cheese, chips, wheat , barley, corn fortified with vitamin riboflavin , which is found in eggs, milk, meat and fresh vegetables .
* Blue lips : -
Indicate that the blood does not get enough oxygen , which means that your heart is not pumping efficiently or disease of the lungs, and smoking may be the cause of it.

* Gray or yellow teeth : -
May be healthy Kalpadhae but may seem slender elongated or
Severe gum and also flushes instead of natural pink gums are infected with , here you see the dentist.
* Bleeding gums : -
Is the result of a disease early , In this case Tamadamada the cleane
Antiseptic and supervising your teeth at least twice a day.
Use floss your teeth.

        Change the color of the tongue        
If you change the color of your tongue to the color red and it was painful and may indicate a lack of vitamin ( B12 ) or folic acid , which is also a sign of to castles mouth or iron deficiency anemia .
You should eat vitamin ( B12 ) of meat , fish and Milk products and vitamins as supplements .
Eat vegetables and leafy vegetables , bread and cereals fortified folic Bosid .............

  The appearance of lines and wrinkles in the face
Wrinkles is very troubling , hurt by women and men , especially owners of dry skin that the ratio of fat where low production
And is not associated with a certain age (ie, does not depend on the woman's age , or the age of the man ), which clearly increases with age.
If you develop signs of aging and wrinkles you at an early age dramatically you look behind to know the reasons for these wrinkles .

Some of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles .
* Sunlight is the first enemy of the skin: -
Where experts advise Health and Beauty skin protection from the sun and say that the sun is the first enemy of the skin because of exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays cause collagen breaks collagen and Alastain elastin which props that depends upon the form of the skin and wrinkles.
There are also many of the habits that can lead to skin aging , but sunlight has the largest share in that , if the right of your skin a lot of damage , it is not too late to protect your skin from the sun solar residuals because it may retrieve some of what destroyed the skin.

 * Do not smoke process or Tqterba of smoking : -
The smoking process ends the appearance of lines and wrinkles and clear in most cases around the lips smokers and that accompany withdrawal and directed by smoke , but the wrinkles around the mouth is not the damage only , but studies have shown that smokers suffer Wrinkles  around the eyes as a result break DDT collagen and Osteen .

* Rest and sleep : -
Ensure cells are deprived of access to food , leading to reduced amount of collagen. Here lies the importance of sleep to maintain the beauty of the face and the freshness and vitality , so that the immune system and collagen almost twins and both lose the quantity of it during daylight hours and Aaawwadha only Barahh and sleep.

* Nourish the skin : -
It is natural that the skin gets what he needs through the circulatory system that take place in cells, and thus disturbed nourish the skin due to lack of blood flow in the skin, or a lack of nutrients in the blood and the blood is poor in vitamins and minerals and oxygen required for the physiological processes in the skin. So Blood nourishing to the skin should be pure containing the elements of daily life necessary for survival Nira and you should not enter the toxins in the blood because it will reach the skin and Taatfah such as toxic organic compounds found in tobacco , drugs and food additives in the food industry and others . It also should eat more water and reduce the amount of salt because water reserves in the body.
It also must abstain completely from alcohol because they lead to expansion of blood vessels in excess of the normal limit , leading to fragility and damage to blood vessels.
Although that palliative creams and dealing with wrinkles play a role in getting rid of wrinkles , but the main factor and it is very important to get rid of wrinkles and get tight skin is internal attention to the quality of your diet containing collagen protein ,
Where collagen protein represents 75% of our skin and gives it its shape with the necessary flexibility and at the same time provides the skin hardness and contributes to keeping moisture and collagen deficiency leads to dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles .
As when a lack of collagen skin happens muscle relaxant minute flogging as a result of this shortage and relaxation of collagen fibers and loss of elasticity leading to wrinkles.

Collagen needs to be four elements vital to keep it in the body are: - Alviaminack (C, A, E) and can be obtained from natural sources. 

* Where vitamin A is available in all kinds of vegetables used in salads , peas , green beans , avocado, yellow and red fruit , green Kalmhamsh and yellow peach and melon and berries with different colors .
Red paprika powder and tomatoes , Albbank , carrots and cabbage .

* The vitamin C Viuar in fresh fruit especially citrus Kalkioa , the lemon , orange , sour apples .

* Vitamin E is available in various types of vegetable oils
Selenium juice is present in large quantities in the grain of all kinds , breakfast cereals , rice , natural kinds of mushrooms, plant Alosparagos , garlic, cheeses of all kinds , eggs, and liver .

Also can get these four elements of antioxidant drugs in the form of capsules and other pharmacies .
The collagen can be obtained from industrial sources by eating in the form of capsules available in pharmacies in order to compensate for the shortfall in the skin from collagen .

Thus, facial beauty means a mirror that reflects our internal and external health .