Stronger terrible mask to flatten the skin of the face and neck and whiteness

Nutritious eggs good for the skin and facial beauty and helps to lock the pores , a best friend for your skin and beauty experts recommended the work of a white mask and a private Her oily skin and is fit for Her dry skin where they can moisturize the skin and the white mask work ............. 

White mask for facial beauty and tight skin and neck skin : -
  • Painted face and neck half egg albumin mixed with a few drops of lemon juice .
  •  Then removed the mask off after a quarter of an hour with lukewarm water.

* If your skin is fatty
- And I wanted to have a mask - making national action whisk egg whites well .
- And put them on your face it absorbs excess oil .
- And leave it to dry and then wash your face .
- And repeat it once or twice a week.