Mounted holding awesome facial pores and increased facial beauty

Combination of large pores and increased facial beauty : -
This combination complexion with coarse and this means they are of pores and wide, and oily skin, dealt with these pores and increase the beauty of the face .

* Ingredients : -
12 points of tincture benzoate
12 points lemon juice
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons boiled herb chamomile

* Method: -
- Confuse Ingredients previous well fail
- Be placed on the face of 15-20 minutes
- Wash with warm water and then cold

You can also use lemon to treat pores Wan
And facial rubbing half a lemon juice or taking fat face is working on narrow WAN pores and remove wrinkles.
It has a big role in the beauty of the face and smoothness and luster.