Mask ginger and frosewater or facial beauty

Mask rose water and Ginger the provider of facial beauty care experts.................................................

Wizard to mask facial beauty submitted by herbal beauty experts : -
Facial markings fights damaged five : -
1- dark spots
2- drought
3- fading
4- wrinklesà
5- pimples

 Professional care for all skin types 

Properties damaged skin  Your face is composed of collagen which gradually decreases with age
And external attacks also play a big role influencing the skin
Negatively with the passage of time becomes your skin is very bad from the outside
Down to the deepest roots of the cells of the skin becomes drier , dimmer
Inflamed quickly and with dark spots , they are more prone to premature aging
And the appearance of wrinkles , these are the five signs of damaged skin .

Password to complete treatment for the five signs of damaged skin  

New elements of effective combination
* re- Relay for layers of the epidermis
* handles mask skin and enhances its
* mask works to convert surface of skin Vtsah the more health and  itality
* remove warts and skin germs relationship becomes pretty clear

         Three  lab results      
1- more glamorous    2- more vibrant      3 - shiny supple

With Mask ginger and rose water for skin bleaching
        * Ingredients : -
v teaspoon of ginger powder
v teaspoon powder children
v rose water

* Catcher preparation method : -
Confuse and ginger powder and Njnhm children with rose water
Until we reach a coherent mix textures.

* How to use the catcher for the face : -
The first step : - Wash your face with soap and natural íÇŃíĘ if the Moroccan black soap
Second step : -  Put catcher which has been prepared by all the greasy face only eye contour
Third step : -  leaves on the face for 5 to 15 minutes to dry
Fourth step : - After it dries on the face catcher Wash your face with water , preferably with cold water from the refrigerator
A fifth step : - Grease and face cream Tstajih the
*** The first thing see yourself of Women will mirror blank notice the difference freshness and redness of the cheeks and the disappearance of wrinkles and facial beauty